
Video HD, 2 min 45 sec, colour, sound, 2014

Oiseaux, Alectoris e (ordine) sono una trilogia realizzata da delle riflessioni sulla fobia degli uccelli. Oiseaux presenta un’interazione tra animali in uno spazio urbano. Una voce legge da un’enciclopedia in un francese rudimentale. Temiamo ciò che non conosciamo, e spesso temiamo maggiormente il genere umano.


Oiseaux, Alectoris and (ordine) are a trilogy realized from reflections on the phobia of birds.
Oiseaux presents an animal interaction in a city space. A voice is reading from a birds encyclopedia in a rudimentary French. We fear what we don’t know and some times we mostly fear humankind

"During a long evolution, birds have adapted themselves to a lot of different environments that their morphology and their biology offer an incredible variousness. However all have in common an ensemble of characteristics that made them immediatly different from all other vertebrates. With all evidence birds are close to reptiles and they undubitably have common ancestors."

Text from: Encyclopédie illustrée des Oiseaux, Jan Hanzák, présenté par Jean Dorst, Gründ, 1973, by ATRIA Prague 1967



Installation at Bains Connective, May 2014

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