During this week all the dishes in Bains Connective kitchen will be filled by a baker's yeast, which will grows and take their form.
This baker’s yeast is 37 years old. It is natural and has died and reborn many times, recently it has died seriously and in these days I want to celebrate his last rebirth, giving him and us the freedom of continuing his biological life.

You will be free to take a piece of yeast putting it in the food container with the wood spoon. Please wash it after each use.
Then when you want to make bread, mix it with 500gr of flour and lukewarm water. Then 4 hours later you put aside a part of the yeast for next time and you mix the rest with 500gr flour, salt and if you want  seeds like sunflower-seeds, flax-seeds (which help intestine work), pumping-seeds,  poppy-seed (considering that they are not advised for depressed people),  sesame-seeds.... 
Leave it covered in a stable temperature for at least 4 hours and no more than 6 hours, then you can oven cook at 280°. To maintain it alive you have to make bread every week, or at least refresh the yeast with some flour every week, if you keep it in the fridge, or every two days if you keep it outside the fridge.

at BAINS CONNETIVE, Rue des Allié 54, Bruxelles

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