
MACAM is a public art project rooted in a rural context, started by Maurizio Corgnati and Letizia Di Maio in 1985 in the small village of Maglione. There are a lot of failures and insignificant art works, but I consider it as an intergrade project aiming to create a public dwelling for the human beings of the village. If art could be considered as the effort to construct a physical and mental dwell, I find here a step of this process.
Maurizio Corgnati admired and probably at the same time suffered for the indifference of the people. He made the best out of a bad situation, accepting that their indifference is the result of a lifestyle, constantly taken up by natural events and by life in its most cruel aspect. In the recluse context of this town Corgnati and Di Maio started inviting artists every year, in order to create art works which could affect the local community. Since then Macam has produced 170 pubic artworks, among them a lot are paintings or sculptures. The first ones were especially simple, but they were still provocative at that time and place.
We could somehow reproach to this project too much carelessness, because it hasn't generated yet any critical growth. However Macam project's guideline is the playful sense of life, without the aim of constructing imposing monuments but on the contrary living and changeable things.

1920x1080 hd
6 min 15 sec
colours, sound
Licenza Creative Commons
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visual arts, © 2012, Giulia Savorani, Italy

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